Friday, July 10, 2020

Easy SEO Tips For Photographers

Easy SEO Tips For Photographers

I think that photographers talk about SEO a lot and that’s because there are a lot more photographers in the world because of technology. Most of the time the word SEO scares people; it just sounds scary or math-related. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search engines are sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, and even Facebook can be like a search engine. The one thing that all these sites have in common is they’re trying to help people find what they’re looking for.

What Do Search Engines Do Exactly?

When we go and search for something inside one of these search engines, their job is to match the findings closest to the websites that are available. It is all really about what we type here, and what we type is text. The main job of search engines is to provide the most relevant information to what someone is searching.

There are certain optimization tricks we can do to your websites and blogs and even our social media by using specific terms that are related to the search queries that people are doing.

Check out some of our SEO services here.

SEO Tips For Photographers

SEO helps search engines know that your site has quality content. That way if your potential clients put in keyword terms, these search engines can pull up your site. Nowadays, Google is very interested in local search. Sometimes you’ll see the maps and the people around you showing up first on the search results. The results will change by where you’re typing and what you’re typing as a query.

If I type in “destination wedding photographer” and I’m in Maui, I’m going to get different results if I go to Oahu, and I type in the exact term because search engines are crawling and searching more for local content. SEO is basically boosting or doing certain things on your website to get found easier by specific terms, phrases, and keywords. Although there is a lot more work that goes into ranking your website online here are a few tips.

  1. Spend time researching what you’re audience is interested in
  2. Provide local content that is relevant to your desired searchers
  3. Be consistent with your blogging and don’t fall behind
  4. Optimized your site for conversions

Connect with us if you are a photographer that needs help optimizing your site. We have helped many photographers rank above their competition to help searchers choose them rather than their competitors. Contact us here.

The post Easy SEO Tips For Photographers appeared first on Shane Perry Marketing.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What to Know About Facebook Ad Objectives

What to Know About Facebook Ad Objectives

Often, Facebook advertisers put so much focus on their creativity, message, and targeting, that they overlook their settings. While creative may be an essential part of your advertising strategy on Facebook, it won’t drive the results you’re looking for if you don’t implement the proper objectives and settings for your campaign.

So let’s take a deep dive into Facebook’s campaign objectives and parameters so that you know what decisions to focus on during set up. And along the way, we’ll discuss how to set your next campaign up for success.

Facebook’s Ad Auction

Let’s start! As we know, Facebook’s ad auction relies on algorithmic learning to make decisions. To reach your advertising goals on Facebook, you need to provide the algorithm with the right information. As well as signals to enable this learning period. This is done during your campaign set up, from your objective to your ad set optimizations settings, bid strategy, and budget.

Setting Up Ad Objectives

Objective: This is is the first, most crucial decision you’ll make when creating your new campaign. When selecting your campaign objective, you will be given three options: awareness, consideration, and conversion. These options tell the algorithm what your ultimate goal is.

Optimization settings:

Now that you’ve selected your objective and named your campaign, you’ll head into your ad set. This stage is all about your settings, which will include the optimization event and ad delivery. The optimization event is the critical indicator of success for the algorithm. This is a crucial decision as your choice tells the algorithm what you consider a success for your chosen objective.

Furthermore, your optimization for ad delivery selection tells the algorithm how to deliver based on this event, whether that’s conversions, landing page views, or impressions. And over time, the algorithm will learn from these signals and begin to understand the optimal path for ad delivery.

Bid Strategy & Budget Control

Your bid strategy and budget control the algorithm by telling it how much you’re willing to spend overall and per event. With each of these selections, the algorithm will begin to learn how to drive volume at the right cost for your objective efficiently. So, as you can see, your goal and settings play a huge role in the success of your Facebook campaigns. I hope you found this helpful, and if you want to read more helpful tips check out our full marketing blog.

The post What to Know About Facebook Ad Objectives appeared first on Shane Perry Marketing.
